About us

We're highly motivated to help and keep your pets in their best condition.

Our Mission

“We believe in our purpose in life – to heal pets”

Every day and in every way
We strive to get better and better
We get wiser and wiser

We feel friendlier and friendlier

We feel happier and happier

With our dream job

Our Values

HEALTHY Pets are HAPPY Pets.

We do our best and God heal the rest.

We love to take care of you and your pets

so that you can enjoy your pet’s life.

                                               – Zambesi Animal Hospital

Here at Zambesi Animal Hospital we strive for the best care for your animal.

Our team is highly trained in the care we provide at the most needed times for our pet parents.

We have Dr. Camby our Specialist Orthopedic vet always ready to help those special surgery needs of animals.
